About Us

aboutPetra, born in Flensburg (Germany), has an outstanding track record in the Education and teacher in Forest Kindergarten.

Since 1993 when Petra founded, and led since, the very first Forest Kindergarten in North of Germany, she has been, and still is, remarkably recognised as a key, relevant professional in this ambit: teacher leader in Flensburg FK, advisory for Kindergarten in Germany, Consultant in startUp of several Kindergarten across Europe and Far East are just some of the major successes Petra has achieved. Petra is also a systemic consultant.

Flensburg House

   Lorenzo, born in Naples, Italy, has been working for an Information Technology Corporation.

   After almost 25 years spent in Management roles and around the world, he decided to significantly change the personal and professional perspective heading toward education, consultancy, coaching and sustainable growth. Renewable energies, organic food are also amongst the passions that Lorenzo nourish and strive for.

Former management experience allowed Lorenzo to become proficient in managing and leading team; organizational skill along with international and cross-culture knowledge gained in several years spent abroad, gave Lorenzo the opportunity to acquire a good competence in dealing with different cultures. Lorenzo has attained the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Diploma, becoming Holistic Therapist.